The PA-AC Cascade Continuous Aerator is another important innovation for the coffee drying process, created by our research and development team.
Besides the great economy in the drying process, it guarantees the quality in the final product.
The PA-AC Cascade Continuous Aerator ensures total product quality without any risk as it is processed immediately after the wet (washer/ peeler/demisturer) benefit directly to the end of drying.
The PA-AC Cascade Continuous Aerator features three sizes to meet any set of wet benefits.
It works with large volume of air, heated by a furnace, gas or steam.
With a temperature between 50 and 60 ° C, the evaporation efficiency can reach up to 75%.
Technical Characteristics
Model: PA-AC/08
Capacity: 8,000 l/h - 8 m3/h
Electric motor: 30.0 hp
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• Reduces the coffees yard - decrease of investiment costs.
• Supresses handling in the coffee yard - low operational costs.
• Small area required - can be placed close to the washer or the dryier.
• Improves the drying process - decreases the drying time.
• Supresses fermentation risks - coffee goes straight to drying.
• Keeps uniformity of drying - constant movement of the grains.
• Not suscptible to climatic variations - it can be inatalled under cover.
• Free of maintenance - less stops in the process.